Homeless Liaison

The school social worker also services as the Homeless Liaison. Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Law of Illinois, "Any child or youth who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate place to live is homeless.." Examples include:

  • Living with another individual due to an economic situation (Called Doubled Up)
  • Staying in a shelter
  • Living in a hotel
  • Living in a Park
  • Living in a camp group
  • Living in a car
  • Living in public spaces
  • Living in a Bus or Train Station

If you qualify under this category, then your child still have rights to education and other services, including free and reduced lunch, transportation services, and fee waivers for clothes and other supplies. 

Please contact the social worker at 815-802-3106 for any questions and to ensure that you take advance of your rights.

To qualify, please fill out the form. The social worker has paper copies if needed: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/83-01-common-form.pdf

All information will only be shared with as needed staff.

For More information please visit the following :

