Welcome Picture

Welcome to Ms. Wright's 5th Grade Classroom Website! The fifth grade team is so excited for the year ahead. This website will be used throughout the year to update you on important information, activities, and events that the fifth grade team is doing! Various classroom links can also be accessed through this website! If you have questions or concerns, please email me or contact me through ClassDojo.

At School

-Please be prepared, do all homework/classwork 

-Please remain seated at your desk unless asked to move. 

-Raise your hand to ask a question. 

-Remember to keep your mask on, maintain social distancing, and no sharing of your supplies.


Remote Learning (If Synchronous)

-Please dress appropriately for school

-No guests on your video (pets, adults, siblings, friends).

-Be prepared to complete any and all assignments.

-Mute your microphone.

-Type your questions and wait for the teacher to answer you. 

-All assignments must be turned in at the start of the next day’s class period, unless the teacher says otherwise.

-Complete your class time in a quiet and well-lit location.


I am sure you have many questions about back to school procedures as well as classroom supplies for this year. In terms of supplies, your child will need to bring their own pencils, crayons, colored pencils, pens, composition notebooks or spiral notebooks, four separate folders (one for each subject), lined paper, and pencil sharpener. The school will provide chromebooks while at school for all online assignments. Just a reminder, students will be advised not to share supplies this year. If possible, please send your student with a personal hand sanitizer and personal tissues. Whatever you send will need to be individually sized because students should not be sharing supplies. Any extra cleaning supplies, such as hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes, you are willing to donate to help keep our classroom clean will also be happily accepted. Students may also bring their own water bottles, but will not be able to refill often. We recommend bringing a full bottle at the start of the school day.

Health and Safety Procedures Within the Classroom:

All students must wear a mask at all times, unless it is during a designated mask break outside.

All students must maintain three to six feet to ensure we are social distancing. All students and personnel on campus will maintain social distancing when traveling through hallways and various places in the building.

The school recently sent out a DRAFT 2021-2022 Return to School Plan. Please read through this to get more information about procedures that will be followed during the school day.

Many of our lessons will have some form of online component, and these components will be accessible through Google Classroom. We will be showing students how to access these assignments and lesson materials.

Math (Eureka Math)

-Adding Subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals

-Deeper understanding of place value

-Deepening understanding of the metric system, area/perimeter and coordinate planes.

English Language Arts (ReadyGen)


-Vocabulary Acquisition 

-Comprehension Strategies (Main Idea, Inferencing, Compare and Contrast)

-Informative/Narrative/Opinion Writing


-Ecosystems and Food Webs

-Water Cycle and Earth’s Systems

-Characteristics of Outer Space

-Chemical Matter and Properties of Matter

Social Studies

-Colonial Times

-Social injustice throughout history (BIPOC rights, Women’s rights, etc.)

-Social Emotional Skills (Showing empathy and compassion)

-The Inquiry Process